History of the History of Art
The standard book of art history used in many art institutions across Pakistan is Art Through the Ages. Normally, students treat this book like a scar [...]

First Europe, Then Elsewhere?
[I]nsofar as the academic discourse of history—that is, “history” as a discourse produced at the institutional site of the university—is concerned, “E [...]

Like the fragrance of a rose, the brief history of Art Now Pakistan does not lie outside, but is embedded within: In the text and imagesproduced, shar [...]

Editorial: December 2014
Just over a month ago, Imran Mir, a dear friend and renowned artist, passed away. Imran, known for his large, mathematically proportioned and classica [...]

Studio Visit: Sanat Residency
Located near Karachi’s most sought after attraction – Sea View – the residency takes place in an airy apartment with natural sunlight filtering in thr [...]

Art Goes On: In Conversation With Marjorie Husain
Hajra Haider Karrar: Your marriage brought you to Pakistan. Soon you were well integrated into the art community in Karachi. How did it all start?
Ma [...]

History: Mirroring an Autoportrait
"To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive."
Robert Louise Stevenson
Usman Saeed is an artist, art educator, writer and curator at Saeed [...]
December 2014 Mapping History
Rashid Rana, "What is So Pakistani About This Painting?", 2000, Oil, acrylic and printed fabric on canvas, 72x157 in [...]

Book Review: B is for Bauhaus
I suppose the most convenient thing about encyclopaedias, anthologies, dictionaries, or any categorised depository of knowledge is that they don’t req [...]

Filling Greys: Ayaz Jokhio
It is often customary to come across images from an upcoming exhibition online before the opening of the show. Such was the case with Ayaz Jokhio’s wo [...]