1 2 3 4 5 18 30 / 177 POSTS
Present Reinventions

Present Reinventions

Paul Klee’s words, “one eye sees, the other feels”, come to mind when one enters Grosvenor Gallery in the heart of London where the three painters Irf [...]
Studio Visit: Waseem Ahmed

Studio Visit: Waseem Ahmed

As I stand outside a centrally located home in Johar Town, which acquires a personal aura and truth of material, there is a sense that I am already at [...]
Through A Camera Darkly

Through A Camera Darkly

"What does a camera see? I mean, really see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does a passive instrument, see into me – into us – clearly or darkl [...]


The following essay takes form in small short linked vignettes that trace this rather muddled concept of inspiration – from the idea of identity, to P [...]
Adeel-uz-Zafar: Stranger Than Fiction

Adeel-uz-Zafar: Stranger Than Fiction

Over the last century, the mass media has popularized and propagated fictional icons from films, television shows, advertisements, cartoons and comic- [...]
Different Chapters

Different Chapters

The Story Must Go On' exhibited from the 23rd to the 31st of October at Koel Gallery and featured three contemporary artists all hailing from the same [...]
Along With Anwar

Along With Anwar

Anwar Saeed, a well-known painter of Pakistan, has been part of the faculty of the National College of Arts, Lahore, where he taught generations of yo [...]
Book Review: Studio – Documents of Contemporary Art

Book Review: Studio – Documents of Contemporary Art

Studio is another addition to the ongoing series of books called Documents of Contemporary Art. Edited by Jens Hoffman, it provides a thorough overvie [...]
Letter from the Editor in Chief

Letter from the Editor in Chief

I am delighted to announce that October 2014 marks ArtNow’s third anniversary as an online contemporary arts publication. And because after three year [...]
1 2 3 4 5 18 30 / 177 POSTS