Present Reinventions
Paul Klee’s words, “one eye sees, the other feels”, come to mind when one enters Grosvenor Gallery in the heart of London where the three painters Irf [...]

Studio Visit: Waseem Ahmed
As I stand outside a centrally located home in Johar Town, which acquires a personal aura and truth of material, there is a sense that I am already at [...]

Through A Camera Darkly
"What does a camera see? I mean, really see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does a passive instrument, see into me – into us – clearly or darkl [...]

The following essay takes form in small short linked vignettes that trace this rather muddled concept of inspiration – from the idea of identity, to P [...]

Adeel-uz-Zafar: Stranger Than Fiction
Over the last century, the mass media has popularized and propagated fictional icons from films, television shows, advertisements, cartoons and comic- [...]

Different Chapters
The Story Must Go On' exhibited from the 23rd to the 31st of October at Koel Gallery and featured three contemporary artists all hailing from the same [...]

Along With Anwar
Anwar Saeed, a well-known painter of Pakistan, has been part of the faculty of the National College of Arts, Lahore, where he taught generations of yo [...]

Book Review: Studio – Documents of Contemporary Art
Studio is another addition to the ongoing series of books called Documents of Contemporary Art. Edited by Jens Hoffman, it provides a thorough overvie [...]

Letter from the Editor in Chief
I am delighted to announce that October 2014 marks ArtNow’s third anniversary as an online contemporary arts publication. And because after three year [...]