Ayaz Jokhio


Ayaz Jokhio

In the domain of visual arts, the definition of the term ‘medium’ has always been narrowed down to a certain technique like ‘pencil drawing’, ‘oil pai

In Conversation with David Chalmers Alesworth 
Like a Magician’s Act
In Conversation with Laila Rahman

In the domain of visual arts, the definition of the term ‘medium’ has always been narrowed down to a certain technique like ‘pencil drawing’, ‘oil painting’ or ‘digital image’ – but for me all these techniques are different ways to create an image or a visual experience. My medium encompasses the whole field of visual art – creating a visual experience, no matter what technique I employ.

QM: How do you perceive the difference or divide between outside and inside when it comes to creating art, are you conscious of your audience when you work?

AJ: I don’t see it as outside or inside scene of art. So I don’t target my audience in these terms. But yes I try to target an audience, which is not very arty. That is a why my works are mostly direct. I want a common person to grasp my idea with ease and without knowing what is art.

QM: You think idea and imagery come simultaneously (in your case?) or one leads to the other?

AJ: This is tough one… It’s like egg and chicken situation. I think making art is like riding a bicycle; idea and image are its two wheels… You have to make sure that both wheels are moving. Otherwise it won’t work.

QM:  How do you view the success and celebration of contemporary art from Pakistan?

AJ: It’s a good omen, I suppose.

QM: Do you find similarity in works and ideas of new artists working today in Pakistan?

AJ: No I don’t… I don’t really see any similarities even in those artists who, some friends say, copy my work. I mostly look for what is different. Or may be, there are so many similarities that you find spotting differences much easier.

QM: How do you compare the rise of contemporary art in Pakistan and the spread of modern English writing from here?

AJ: English is the language, which makes writers’ work more international and global than just Pakistani. Writers are directly writing in English; whereas artists work in a more global language which is visual, but they also prefer their works to be titled in English they write their statements in English they find local languages not capable of communicating their thoughts about art. They have learnt a terminology, which cannot be, at least what they say, translated into local languages.

We can also compare it just by rearranging these terms like this, Contemporary writing in Pakistan and modern English art from here!