Destiny brings us to the places in which we are meant to be; Nabila Ahmed


Destiny brings us to the places in which we are meant to be; Nabila Ahmed

I was lucky to have been born into a family that loved art and always promoted it. One of my earliest memories is of my father taking me along to vis

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The Artist is awake; Bani Abidi
A Life with Earth: Sheherezade Alam

I was lucky to have been born into a family that loved art and always promoted it.
One of my earliest memories is of my father taking me along to visit the renowned artist Abdul Rahman Chughtai. I would walk around his studio while my father and he talked about art, music and other such interesting subjects.

As a young child one absorbs more then one knows and later in life these wonderful experiences enrich our being.

Apart from my father who was Director General Radio Pakistan and my mother who ran a school for 800 kids, the other great influence in my life was my aunt Zubeida Agha.
She alway encouraged me to pursue whatever interested me and persuaded my parents that they should let me join The National College of Arts rather then just do a BA at Kinnaird College.


Joining NCA in the mid-70’s opened my mind and senses to a different world.
Who would not be influenced by the likes of Shakir Ali, Zahoor Ul Akhlaq, Colin David, Salima Hashmi, Mian Ijaz Ul Hasan, to name just a few?

I majored in Ceramics from NCA in 1977.


Shortly after getting married in 1979 I followed my banker husband on his journey around the world.

I taught at the Bahrain Art Society in the 80’s, trying desperately to keep my art alive. I took courses and attended workshops in New York, always trying to juggle home, kids, entertaining and my Ceramics.


My husband always encouraged me and we carried my kiln and wheel all over the world.


We moved to The Philippines in 2005 and ended up staying there for 11 years.
This was a wonderful time because both my kids were in College by then and I had wonderful help so my house ran smoothly and I could concentrate on re-educating myself about art and Ceramics.

2016 brought us back to the US and we decided to move to a beautiful city called Naples in Florida.


Sometimes fate and destiny brings us to places in which we are just meant to be.
I lucked out and my neighbour, who is also a potter, bought the house just next door to us and has set up a studio in her garage.

With lots of time and in beautiful surroundings, I am now discovering a whole new side to Ceramics.

My journey continues.