Imane Fares


Imane Fares

Imane Farès is pleased to participate in Paris Gallery Weekend 2020. The gallery will be exceptionally open on Sunday 5 Jul

After Lyari Expressway
Art one62
Imane Farès is pleased to participate in Paris Gallery Weekend 2020.
The gallery will be exceptionally open on Sunday 5 July, 11am – 7pm.
Alia Farid’s second exhibition at the gallery presents a newly commissioned film installation, along with her earlier film At the Time of the Ebb, 2019. The newer work is shot in Haiti, and centers on the after-effects of the country’s historic revolution. Her earlier film was also shot on an island, in Qeshm, Iran; it is a melancholic meandering through local rituals performed in reverence of nature on summer solstice. In both films, Farid delves into how group rituals, social ruptures, and individual acts of resistance may admit, escape, alter, or reject definition.

The exhibition was originally curated by Rosa de Graaf for Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, where it will be opened until 23 August 2020.