Inhabit Inhibit


Inhabit Inhibit

  A two-person show featuring the artworks of Amna Suheyl and Sana Saeed opened at the Full Circle Gallery on Oct 9th 2020.   The s

Lost paradise at AAN Gandhara
Shafaq by Meher Afroz
Five statement


A two-person show featuring the artworks of Amna Suheyl and Sana Saeed opened at the Full Circle Gallery on Oct 9th 2020.


The show whirled around the notion and exploration of human life and the factors affecting it. The life is filled with emotions that the mind preserves. The display carries a strong narrative of the cohesion of objects and their surroundings which remain untouched in the memories. These works are engaging for a viewer thus open to multiple interpretations depending on the reader’s ability to decode the meaning.


The artists brilliantly created a visual language that is easy to understand and relatable at the same time. The images of wrinkled bed sheets, an abandoned pillow, eyes gazing off or gazing at a viewer were interwoven.



The show will continue until a week at the gallery.