The last rain by Abid Aslam


The last rain by Abid Aslam

A solo show of an acclaimed artist Abid Aslam called 'Last Rain' opened at the Sanat Gallery on Sept 29th 2020. Born and raised in Lahore, Aslam c

For Your Eyes Only
Of Land and skies
Inhabit Inhibit
A solo show of an acclaimed artist Abid Aslam called ‘Last Rain’ opened at the Sanat Gallery on Sept 29th 2020. Born and raised in Lahore, Aslam completed his Masters in Fine Art from NCA. He has been a part of many solo and group exhibitions and has been awarded the Neo Art Prize 2019 by the Bolton Museum, U.K.
His current series of work spins around two notions; reflection of geometry and abstract forms and reflection of figures. The artist also shares his experiences as an artist during the pandemic and how it affected his life and work. As the title of the show suggests, the artist also talks about the current situation of the metropolis. The city was flooded after the torrential rain in Karachi however the citizens, crying for water, could not use it as it was harmful for them.
Aslam states “My experience during an artist residency program of the Orangi Pilot Project in Karachi arranged by KB19 also is reflected in this body of work where artists in the programme were supposed to follow some set rules. Especially regarding the use of water as none of the participating artists in the Residency were allowed to use the found water in Orangi as it could lead to health issues thus rendering the found water as harmful and useless for human consumption and household purposes. ‘The Last Rain’ actually highlights the current situation in Karachi along with some other cities where people were stuck and could not use the accumulated rain water for any purpose because it was just so harmful for them. Here comes the rule of nature in our lives, where we have to face all such situations and adjust ourselves accordingly. As an artist, I have tried to achieve two different states of mind in two different situations embodying two different types of work.”
The show is expected to run till the 8th of October 2020
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