Letter from the Editor


Letter from the Editor

  Like other important dates in the brief history of Pakistan, such as 14th August, 23th March, 25th December, 6th September etc., 21st Octobe

Letter From The Editor In Chief
Letter from Editor-in-Chief
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief


Like other important dates in the brief history of Pakistan, such as 14th August, 23th March, 25th December, 6th September etc., 21st October would also be marked for national achievements; the day first Karachi Biennale was held in the country. The opening of Karachi Biennale, on 21st October 2017 is a significant event, not only in the art of country, but for country too, and for its public.


Curated by Amin Gulgee, Karachi Biennale brought many realities to our doorstep: The nation, and the city of Karachi is capable to holding such a grand event, and in such a sophisticated style. Immaculate execution, incredible organization, imaginative planning, inclusive approach and ambitious scale are a few aspects of this international exhibition spread to 12 venues in the city of Karachi.


Inclusion of several international artists along with artists based in Pakistan, turned Karachi Biennale 2017 an exciting and relevant occurrence in the region and for the region. Being in a world, where restrictions for people to move physically and freely have been increasing on a daily basis, an occasion to find similarities and respect differences in people’s approaches, expressions and ideas is a commendable endeavour.


Amin Gulgee and his team made possible, something that was inconceivable in a city and at a time, both of which are often described turbulent. The works of art, of various artists including Yoko Ono, Michelangelo Pistoletto, and ORLAN provide a rare and great opportunity to glimpse works from the mainstream art at home.


Art Now Pakistan congratulates and supports Amin Gulgee and his curatorial team for realizing the best thing for the art of Pakistan. An example that will create a pattern to follow. The energy, enthusiasm and involvement that artists felt and experienced at the Karachi Biennale is unmatchable, and one hopes that the same sentiments and sensibilities continue in coming years.


Art Now Pakistan’s current issue is focused on the Karachi Biennale, with reports and reviews on this mega event along with regular features including essays, profiles, photo-essay and book review, the issue presents an informative and analytical insight to Karachi Biennale, awareness about Ameen Gulgee’s vision and introduction to his curatorial team which converted his ideas into reality.


The reality is that Karachi, with its Biennale has turned the heart of art, a heart that beats with the tune of time, and allures everyone across territories of aesthetic taste and beyond the borders of personal choices.

