Pehla Qadam


Pehla Qadam

  Studio Seven is delighted to present " Pehla Qadam"an initiative to raise funds for the Cancer Care Hospital by Feryal Ali Gauhar and an opp

Corporeal to Ethereal
Rumi on Canvas
Drawing Room Diamonds


Studio Seven is delighted to present ” Pehla Qadam”an initiative to raise funds for the Cancer Care Hospital by Feryal Ali Gauhar and an opportunity to pay tribute to the artists who have donated their work to this noble cause.


These collections of artworks are by Ahmed Zoay, Ejaz Malik, Jamal Shah, Kaleem Khan, Iqbal Hussain, Mugheez Riaz, Naseebullah Khan, Naela Amir, Rashid Maqbool, R.M Naeem, Zahid Mayo.


The Show is happening on the 24 Sept 2019, at 5pm to 8pm.