There is No Them


There is No Them

The creative process, fundamentally, involves an ongoing process of looking inwards and continually visiting and revisiting one’s self: the introspect

Suspended Horizons
Pretty art for pretty people
SUBMISSION by Imran Mudassar
The creative process, fundamentally, involves an ongoing process of looking inwards and continually visiting and revisiting one’s self: the introspective journey of digging up the many layers that constitute the self, revisiting the past and relocating in the present. The outcome is an autobiographical body of work—a self portrait. In the process, one comes across many demons, many ghosts, many lies and many truths. It is a veritable Pandora’s Box, the Self.

Farazeh Syed, 2019

I exploit my unadulterated access to the deepest emotions embedded beneath the surface, only to explore the whispered secrets of dreams and desires by attempting to capture what I see and record their frail existence, only to return and relive. The visual metaphors combine realistic portrayals of ordinary manifestations with elements of myth. Yearning to record the naked and defenseless ideas of the subconscious mind, somewhere between dreams and their documentation to explore the existence of ghouls and monsters, angels and humans. This I assume to be an effort to recreate my world of fiction. Where nothing is as it is and everything is as it isn’t. These perceived images hence become facets of my current persona, both real and imagined.

Mohsin Shafi, 2019




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